
What are crawl errors? And how to fix crawl errors for SEO

Crawl errors are issues that prevent search engines from successfully accessing and indexing your web pages. These errors can affect your website’s SEO performance by making it difficult for search engines to understand and rank your content. In this blog, we will explore what crawl errors are, how they impact your SEO, and steps to fix them effectively.

Understanding Crawl Errors

When search engine bots, such as Googlebot, attempt to visit and index pages on your website, they may encounter problems. These problems are known as crawl errors. Crawl errors can be divided into two main categories: site errors and URL errors.

  • Site Errors: These errors affect your entire website, preventing search engines from accessing any of your pages. Common site errors include DNS errors, server errors, and robots.txt errors.
  • URL Errors: These errors affect specific pages on your website, preventing search engines from accessing those individual pages. Common URL errors include 404 errors, soft 404 errors, and access denied errors.

Types of Crawl Errors

To effectively fix crawl errors, it’s important to understand the different types of errors that can occur. Here are some of the most common crawl errors you might encounter:

  • DNS Errors: These occur when search engines cannot communicate with your server due to DNS (Domain Name System) issues.
  • Server Errors: These happen when your server takes too long to respond or returns an error message (like 500 Internal Server Error).
  • Robots.txt Errors: These occur when your robots.txt file blocks search engines from accessing your website or specific pages.
  • 404 Errors: These occur when a page cannot be found because it has been deleted or the URL has changed.
  • Soft 404 Errors: These happen when a page displays a “not found” message to users but returns a 200 OK status to search engines.
  • Access Denied Errors: These occur when search engines are not allowed to access a page due to permissions settings.

How Crawl Errors Impact SEO

Crawl errors can have a significant impact on your SEO performance. When search engines cannot access your content, they cannot index or rank it properly. This can lead to lower rankings and reduced visibility in search results. Here are some specific ways crawl errors can affect your SEO:

  • Decreased Indexation: If search engines cannot crawl and index your pages, those pages will not appear in search results.
  • Lower Rankings: Crawl errors can signal to search engines that your site is not well-maintained, which can negatively impact your rankings.
  • Poor User Experience: Broken links and missing pages can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement metrics.

Identifying Crawl Errors

To fix crawl errors, you first need to identify them. Here are some tools and methods you can use to detect crawl errors on your website:

  • Google Search Console: Google Search Console provides detailed reports on crawl errors found on your website. Check the “Coverage” and “Crawl Stats” sections for insights.
  • Website Crawlers: Tools like Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can crawl your website and identify various crawl errors.
  • Server Logs: Analyzing server logs can help you identify server errors and other issues that prevent search engines from accessing your site.

Fixing Crawl Errors

Once you have identified crawl errors on your website, the next step is to fix them. Here’s a step-by-step guide to addressing common crawl errors:

Fixing DNS Errors

DNS errors occur when search engines cannot communicate with your server. To fix DNS errors:

  • Check DNS Configuration: Ensure your DNS settings are correctly configured. Contact your hosting provider if needed.
  • Use Reliable DNS Services: Use reputable DNS services to ensure reliability and quick response times.
  • Monitor DNS Performance: Regularly monitor your DNS performance to detect and resolve issues promptly.

Fixing Server Errors

Server errors occur when your server fails to respond or returns an error message. To fix server errors:

  • Check Server Logs: Review server logs to identify the cause of the error.
  • Improve Server Performance: Optimize your server to handle traffic efficiently. This might involve upgrading your hosting plan or server hardware.
  • Monitor Server Uptime: Use monitoring tools to track your server’s uptime and performance, addressing issues as they arise.

Fixing Robots.txt Errors

Robots.txt errors occur when your robots.txt file blocks search engines from accessing your site or specific pages. To fix robots.txt errors:

  • Review Robots.txt File: Ensure that your robots.txt file does not block important pages. Use the “robots.txt Tester” tool in Google Search Console.
  • Allow Search Engines: Allow search engines to access pages that you want indexed by removing any “Disallow” directives that block those pages.
  • Update Robots.txt File: Regularly update your robots.txt file to reflect changes in your site structure and content.

Fixing 404 Errors

404 errors occur when a page cannot be found. To fix 404 errors:

  • Redirect Deleted Pages: Set up 301 redirects for deleted pages to relevant existing pages to retain link equity.
  • Update Internal Links: Ensure all internal links point to existing pages. Update any broken links.
  • Provide Custom 404 Page: Create a custom 404 page that helps users find relevant content on your site.

Fixing Soft 404 Errors

Soft 404 errors occur when a page shows a “not found” message but returns a 200 OK status. To fix soft 404 errors:

  • Return Proper 404 Status: Ensure that pages showing “not found” messages return a 404 status code.
  • Redirect to Relevant Content: Redirect soft 404 pages to relevant existing pages to improve user experience.
  • Improve Thin Content: Enhance the content on pages identified as soft 404 to make them valuable and relevant.

Fixing Access Denied Errors

Access denied errors occur when search engines are blocked from accessing a page due to permission settings. To fix access denied errors:

  • Check Permissions: Ensure that your site’s permissions allow search engines to access the necessary pages.
  • Update Security Settings: Adjust security settings to allow search engines to crawl and index your content while keeping sensitive information protected.
  • Use Robots Meta Tags: Use robots meta tags to control the indexing of specific pages without blocking access entirely.

Preventing Future Crawl Errors

To maintain a healthy website and prevent future crawl errors, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Regularly Monitor Your Site: Use tools like Google Search Console and website crawlers to regularly monitor your site for crawl errors.
  • Maintain Site Health: Keep your site well-maintained by updating content, fixing broken links, and optimizing performance.
  • Use XML Sitemaps: Submit XML sitemaps to search engines to help them discover and index your pages efficiently.
  • Implement Proper Redirects: Use 301 redirects for moved or deleted pages to retain link equity and avoid 404 errors.
  • Optimize Server Performance: Ensure your server can handle traffic efficiently to prevent server errors.

Importance of Regular SEO Audits

Conducting regular SEO audits is essential for maintaining your website’s health and performance. Regular audits help you identify and fix issues before they impact your SEO.

  • Identify Issues Early: Regular audits help you catch and fix crawl errors and other issues before they become significant problems.
  • Maintain SEO Performance: Keeping your site free of errors ensures that search engines can crawl and index your content effectively, maintaining your SEO performance.
  • Enhance User Experience:Regularly fixing issues improves the user experience, leading to higher engagement and better SEO metrics.

Tools for Monitoring and Fixing Crawl Errors

There are several tools available that can help you monitor and fix crawl errors effectively. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Google Search Console: Provides detailed reports on crawl errors and other issues affecting your site.
  • Screaming Frog: A powerful website crawler that helps identify crawl errors, broken links, and other SEO issues.
  • Ahrefs: Offers comprehensive site audits, including crawl error detection and recommendations for fixes.
  • SEMrush: Provides site audit tools to identify and fix crawl errors and other SEO issues.
  • Moz Pro: Includes site audits, crawl diagnostics, and other tools to help maintain your site’s health and SEO performance.

Case Studies: Impact of Fixing Crawl Errors on SEO

Examining case studies of websites that have successfully fixed crawl errors can provide valuable insights into the benefits of addressing these issues.

  • Case Study 1: A large e-commerce site saw a 30% increase in organic traffic after fixing numerous 404 errors and optimizing their site structure.
  • Case Study 2: A blog experienced a significant boost in search engine rankings and user engagement after addressing server errors and improving page load times.
  • Case Study 3: A local business website improved its visibility and attracted more customers by resolving DNS errors and ensuring proper indexing of their pages.

Fixing crawl errors is essential for improving your website’s SEO performance and ensuring a positive user experience. By understanding and addressing the different types of crawl errors, you can help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. For more information or assistance with fixing crawl errors, contact us at +91 91189 11171. You can also reach out to us on WhatsApp.


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